Production Plan

My finalized thesis project will take the form of a digital application for the web, and, if possible, Android and iOS. I will build it in Unity with the help of various assets and plugins I’ve found on the Unity Asset Store; mainly Ink, a scripting language for visual and text-based interactive narratives.

The application itself will consist of a story-based interactive narrative that takes place in an online chatroom similar to Discord or Slack, with characters who represent various real-world people and concepts. The intent of this narrative will be to educate its audience on the pitfalls of the American Electoral College, and how they can help to overthrow it in favor of a better system.

On a more molecular level, here’s an in-depth description of what will live in the Unity inspector and project hierarchy:

        • A GameManager that converts my Ink story into unity-readable text
• A canvas that displays said text in the format that i want it
• A title screen that the user can start the experience with and return to once done
• A canvas that shows the user’s stats between scenes
• Canvases that show each character’s bio and profile information
• Sound effects, and, if suitable, music. • Some way to open links in order to teach the user about real-world concepts using the web
And the physical embodiment of the project, when it exists on the exhibition floor, will have:

        • A device capable of running the application (perhaps two - whatever I can find or afford)
• A polling booth or curtain in which the audience enters to experience it

Working an estimated 14 hours a week, this means that my complete workload, plus the time it will take to complete each task, looks something along the lines of:

Task Time
Convert current Twine project to Ink 3 weeks
Develop art work and palette 2 weeks
Find suitable sound effects in online library and implement them 2 weeks
Script Ink story to converse with Unity correctly 4 weeks
Add additional interactions that I decided to do during playtests last semester 2 weeks
Playtest 3 weeks (not all at once)
Edit and refine script (including spell-checking) 1 week
Define and script UI interactions 2 weeks
Export as application correctly 1 week
Design and print posters and business cards 1 week
Total 15 weeks