Prototypes and Notes

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Table of Contents

12/05/19 : Ending The Experience
11/16/19 : Updated Name
11/13/19 : Interactive Story Precedents
11/08/19 : Fact-Checker Bot Updates
11/06/19 : Ranked Choice Voting NYC!
10/30/19 : Procedural Narrative and Game Engines
10/11/19 : Feedback for Online Chatroom
09/28/19 : Interactive Narrative Concept
09/27/19 : Preliminary Presenation Feedback
09/08/19 : Design-Your-Own Election System
Original Project Ideas


- how to end the experience?
- the final day in the chatroom could consist of personal messages with your chosen voting system in real time discussing where to meet or what to do after
    - ”im here where r u”
    - pic of polling booth
    - “lmao why r u messaging me we’re standing right next to each other”
    - “i know but i cant see u thru the dividers”
- i have the option to transcend the “chat room” style aesthetic in order to express applications IRL
- when its the first time you see a character, a link to their profile should appear for more context
- you can also visit their profile by clicking their avatar


- updated name to Change The Vote


- I should put profile pics in Saturday
- ”Series: Your Story Universe” is a similar vein of interactive fiction
- “Joind” is a project for the holocaust museum that's relevant in that it makes events relevant for tweens today
- for end of day mini game: extrapolate on aspects of character’s personality to vote on using their own voting system
- make intervals in prototype 1.5s
- simplify knowledge for the average user


- have fact-checker bot reply to comment its referring to
    - cross out false statements
    - show a tooltip for the metaphor fact checker bot - could be hidden at first but when the user clicks it they get more context
- introduce the electoral college as uncle sam
    - have intro cut scene at beginning
- contextualize language (“flake” does not equal “inaccuracy”)
- what do the days have to do with it?
    - days dont need to take place over the course of a week - they could take place at various times over the course of a year (implying that the day a scene takes place has some kind of narrative or educational value)
- visually show how relationships are connected
- what should the intent of the summary page be?
    - to keep the user on track with the overall story?
    - to keep track of their relationships with the characters?
- “fact-checker bot makes sense because politicians always lie”
- incorporate game show aspects in thesis story
- have characters prompt you to respond dynamically if you take too long
- have different mini games at the end of each day in which you use the voting system that you last interacted with, show summary at the end with your relationship with that character


- images help because im not going to read the names every time
- pacing is too fast
- funny (humor is good)
- CSS is spaced apart too much
- “I like being mean to them” - options offer many times to say “no”
- offers good replayability value, i can be mean once then the next time i can be nice
- feedback at the end of the day is necessary
- user may get to rank relationships based on their responses
- “This is how your conversation went - what do you really feel about them?”
- the goal is "to be mean"
- it’s funny that there is always an option to be mean
- seeing how they respond was fun


- King of Chicago - procedural narrative
- King of Dragon Pass
- display some kind of stats/breakdown/summary at the end of each day so the user knows where they are and what their goal is
- display real quotes from real people in the Fact-Checker Bot
- Ren’py, Adventure Game Studio, Unity, Ink, Gamemaker Studio, Twine


- differing opinions on the narrative as an educational tool
- some say the “Fact-Checker Bot” flowed well, others said it created a dissonance
- i should break the information into smaller tidbits
- i should make it less formal
- some say that the “group chat” was too chaotic to be fun, and others say that it was fine
- need to create more personality for the characters
- they need more context - why am I interacting with them? What is my relationship to them?
- characters need emotion - it doesn’t translate well through text
- some say there’s enough choice to evoke replayability, but others said that I need more choices
- i imagine this has to do with the story routes they chose, or just has to do with their individual preferences
- could the electoral college be multiple people in the chat?
- does Uncle Sam represent the American Dream? Or the electoral college itself?
- Uncle Sam should be more contradictory


- Story-Based Texting Sim In Past Tense
- text with various voting systems personalities as if you were hanging out the previous day (so it doesn't have to be in present tense)
- story ends with a meeting at a polling booth
- throughout the story each system is trying to establish a date with you at the polling booth at the exact same time as each other, so you must choose one and cancel the rest
- i also like the idea of different “voting system personalities” talking behind each other’s backs, badmouthing each other, or complimenting each other!
- implement voting systems into the game so that the user gets hands-on experience, integrate them into the story somehow! Like the “personality” asks the user to rate various things from their adventures the previous day


- one thing I noticed was that people generally don’t know how the electoral college works. This will be a major thing to include in my visual novel / dating sim, as well as of course how all of the other systems work.
- people are generally split between "dating sim" and "texting sim" - perhaps I could combine elements of both into an original narrative concept.
- also they want to know who my audience is… I guess I should try and focus on the people who aren’t particularly familiar with the system. People who may be out of the loop - or not as interested in learning.
- what is the best way to describe these? Through actual descriptions? Or personality traits of the characters? Or metaphor through social events that occur in game? Or perhaps mini-games?
- how do i design this project so that the younger crowds are aware of the voting system before the age of being able to vote? - text message simulator
- dating sim
- "i haven’t noticed" is an accurate politician response
- character design and story writing are most important
- make sure I include that your vote doesn’t matter - when you choose an option but they continue as if you chose the other option
- also sometimes randomize your input


Design-Your-Own Election System!
- a dynamic system for the creation of a voting system in a democracy
- a Mad-Libs style game that, when put through an algorithm, outputs a picture of what society looks like
- what’s the end result? (a physical souvenir that represents Society?)
- how does the algorithm work?
    - some API for figuring out how politically charged a word is
    -analyze inputs and return an answer based on some value of the combined inputs
    -check social media sites for relevant topics
    -what value system should the answers be judged on?
    -put a word through a thesaurus / word association API multiple times

_____1_______ can run for president. The method of deciding who wins is ____2_______. _____3______ can vote. Their method of doing so is _____4_____. A common reward for voting is ______5______, and a common punishment is _______6________.

______5______ is a core value of society. A common career aspiration is ______2______, and a common hobby is _______4_______. Positions of political power consist of mostly ______1_______, and the middle class consist mostly of _______3________. _______6________ is looked down upon as taboo.

Original Project Ideas

- you are in charge of designing an algorithm that is meant to decide the president of the US. What core values do you put as primary factors in this algorithm’s decision?
    - what does the end product look like?

- a character creation tool in which a user distributes points among skills and customizes features. Then it tells you your character’s voting status based on those features.
    - could act as an educational, raising awareness tool

- a turn-based game in which, every turn phase, the user is presented with a new symbol, and they must categorize it along with the rest of the symbols they’ve gotten. At the end, they are scored based on : number of categories they’ve created, how many symbols are in the largest / smallest category, how many symbols there are in total
    - in this case, less categories means what? And what does having one large category and plenty of smaller ones mean?
    - if we take these mechanics and overlay a political theme onto it, what kind of lessons can be learned?
    - symbols represent political parties? This system could be designed in a manner that encourages fewer categories, therefore representing the journey toward the US’s two-party system.
    - symbols could represent voters, and by categorizing them you are doing what?
    - if symbols represent presidential candidates and your job is to choose one based on a set of rules that you dictated before?
    - if that is the case, perhaps an experience that could arise could be a phase beforehand that asks the user what their ideal president looks like and generates some rules pertaining to a good type of symbol. Then the user is asked to categorize symbols based on one of those rules. After each round, a new rule is presented until there are no more. What they get out of it is a printed image of their “favorite” symbol.
    - perhaps symbols represent qualities found in a person in power, and by categorizing these qualities the user is creating the personality of a president without knowing it. Thus a category with fewer qualities is a more shallow person.